Note: This is the first part in an ongoing series on our blog in which we place the focus on a mostly overlooked threat to currently enlisted and former U.S. military personnel: toxic heavy metals and radiation exposure both domestically and overseas.
In an effort to highlight this serious issue, we plan on incorporating videos, third party articles, stories from the media, question-and-answer sessions, and much more into this ongoing project.
If you or a loved one has any experience with exposure to these substances, and wish to make to your opinion heard, please feel free to comment or email us your own story at, or contact us via this website, and we will try to make it part of this project on increasing awareness of this vitally important military health and medical issue.
Every American is at risk when it comes to toxic heavy metals and radiation. The harmful substances are in the water we drink, the food we consume, and the air we breathe. But there is a subset of our population that is even more at risk, but it is one we don’t think about that often, because other risks seem more obvious. But the threat of heavy metals and military personnel is a real one.
American military personnel are under constant barrage from toxic heavy metals, radiation, and other harmful substances, both home and abroad
Whether active or discharged, the men and women in the American military deal with a litany of toxic hazards that dwarf those of civilians. Those toxins range from cancer-causing chemicals stemming from fire fighting foam that taint drinking water at domestic military bases, which can also affect children, to a plethora of chemical, physical and environmental hazards at military bases overseas.

And with the well publicized, if somewhat controversial, statistic that some 20 current or former military members commit suicide each day, it may be time to address whether the mental issues that factor so highly in suicide have a physical basis. And it may also be time to remind military personnel that there are proactive steps they can take to flush those toxins out of their systems before they manifest in serious physical or mental issues.

The most dramatic route of heavy metals and military ingestion is being wounded and carrying embedded metal fragments in the body. But other routes are just as important, from inhaling particles containing metal particulates from destroyed vehicles and open-air burn pits, to environmental dust from the discharge of weapons in both training and actual combat.

However, the main problem with this exposure is that it can take years to manifest. A 2016 study of depleted uranium munitions used during Operation Desert Storm showed that for 20 years, patient follow-up showed no adverse health effects. However, that same study showed that these substances don’t stay static, but solubilize, basically traveling to and depositing in various tissue of the body. According to that study, “this finding suggests that in multi-trauma cases, especially those involving traumatic brain injuries, the presence of embedded metal fragments should not be ignored.”

Another report indicated that special forces units’ complaints of symptoms such as impaired concentration, anger, irritability and impulsivity, high blood pressure and peripheral neuropathy could be linked to another heavy metal military units are routinely exposed to: lead. But many times, those ailments are misdiagnosed at PTSD or depression. Both of those conditions are serious but are mental in danger. Lead poisoning, in contrast, can be traced to physical exposure.

Along with being among the most toxic of heavy metals, lead is a central component in the billions of rounds of ammunition fired since the Afghanistan War began in 2001, and, according to an April, 2019 story in The New York Times, “ troops are exposed while shooting: indoors and outside; gathering shell casings; smoking, chewing tobacco or eating on ranges; cleaning their weapons; and living and fighting in polluted environments, particularly in countries where leaded gasoline is still used, such as Afghanistan and Iraq.

The lead remains in soft tissue for up to 90 days and is then absorbed into the bones. After that, if there is too high a buildup, the lead can leach back into the bloodstream due to broken bones, pregnancy or kidney disease.

            But lead isn’t the only toxic metal military personnel confront. In an investigation of Iraqi desert dust, aluminum, uranium, copper, chromium, and arsenic were all found, with aluminum levels something reaching as high as 10,000 ppm. 

            Certainly, no one questions the sacrifices that our military personnel make to serve our country. Living apart from their families to serving in combat zones are just two of them. But there is no reason that they should sacrifice their health as well. Yet, that is what heavy metals can do over time. They condense in the bloodstream and have been linked to a litany of health disorders,

But, there are routes to, at the very least, minimize the threat by flushing out the body using Folium pX. The all-natural product is filled with super anti-oxidants that help the body’s natural processes filter toxic heavy metals from the bloodstream. In addition, Folium pX helps to boost the body’s immune system, meaning both enlisted and former military personnel have a valuable ally in getting and staying healthy.

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